Friday, May 30, 2014

What is a spiritual sacrifice?

I read 1 Peter 2 this morning – wow!
So verse 1 gives a list of things that will be eliminated when a believer has a proper “diet” for Christian growth.  That proper diet begins with an “appetite” (desire, v2), for the Word of God!  And we ought to have this desire, or appetite, since we have already “tasted” how gracious God is when we accepted his salvation (v3).

Verse 4 calls Jesus the “living stone” - rejected by men, but chosen by God, and precious.  And WE are “lively (living) stones” as well, that make up the church (spiritual house), and like the priests of the OT, we ourselves offer up sacrifices – spiritual sacrifices. (v5).  Looking at Hebrews 13:15-16, we know that those spiritual sacrifices include praising God, doing good, and communicating – sharing – the gospel.

Uh-oh…so what’s the definition of “sacrifice”??  Doesn’t it usually mean to give up something in order to have something else?  The workaholic “sacrifices” his family – he gives them up in order to be at work, to further his career.  The OT saints sacrificed perfect lambs – they had to give up the best of their flocks to atone for their sins.

So, if I’m going to make a “spiritual” sacrifice, what am I “giving up”?  What must I “give up” in order to praise God?   In order to do good?  In order to communicate, or share the gospel?

Mostly, I see that I must give up self.  Pride.  Fear.  Time.  My flesh wants to praise self – and take credit that belongs to God.  My flesh wants to putter about and hang out with friends and family instead of going out visiting or giving up a Saturday to teach, or taking a moment to hand out a track or tell someone that Jesus loves them – heaven forbid they think I’m a fruitcake!

Yeah, in order to make spiritual sacrifices, I must die to self – put myself aside – and remember that it’s all about HIM.  Not me.  And it must be intentional.  The Holy Spirit-controlled life has to be intentional – I must purpose in my heart to praise God, to do good, to share the Gospel.  I cannot fall into the trap of thinking that just because I read the Word this morning, just because I prayed, just because I wrote out these thoughts on paper, that I will “automatically” start praising God, doing good, or sharing the Gospel!!  No, I have to remind myself frequently – throughout the day – that these are the things that PLEASE God and that I must make a continual, conscience effort to DO them, to make these sacrifices!