Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 6, 2011 - Rainy Days & Sundays

Ah.  There are Saturdays where there is no greater joy than sitting here in my piano room with the sun streaming through the windows, the birds singing, the flowers blooming...

and then there are days like yesterday, when I was cozy, warm and dry, as the rains fell and the heavens rumbled and my coffee was fresh and hot...and I could have curled up here in my chair for hours, reading and studying and completely ignoring the outside world, isolated by a curtain of rain and clouds.  :)

My Sunday School lesson this week was a bit overwhelming to me.  It was on Jesus as our standard, and the scripture for the lesson was Ephesians 4.

I understand I am teaching 4th-6th graders, and a 30 minutes Sunday School class does not allow for in-depth bible study, but there is SO much in Ephesians 4 that I had a REALLY hard time not expanding on every verse!  I just wanted to dwell on each one and let it soak in until I could completely grasp all God had for me.

But, instead, I had to work with the time allotted for the lesson, so we focused on verses 22-32; putting OFF the "old man" (our sin nature) and putting ON the "new man" (as believers in Jesus).  I brought two old t-shirts to class and on one we wrote "PUT OFF" and listed all the things we need to put-off when we accept Christ.  Things like lying, malice, fighting, being mean, stealing...and on the other shirt we wrote "PUT ON" and listed all the things that make us more like Jesus - encouraging others, telling the truth, giving, loving, being kind, helping...the kids seem to enjoy the lessons and were excited to hang the t-shirts up on the wall in our classroom.  My prayer is that as they go through their week now, they will think about the attitudes and actions they are "putting on".    

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